Trading EUR USD Forex Binary Options – A Strategic Analysis of a Bullish Market
Category Archives: Strategies
Trading EUR USD Forex Binary Options – A Strategic Analysis of a Bullish Market
June 21, 2012Today I will be looking at the Candlestick patterns and trying to formulate a Forex trading strategy on the EUR/USD exchange rates. Chart A represents a Harami Bullish pattern. Harami translates to “pregnant” in Japanese. This specific Bullish Pattern is usually characterized by its small white body contained within a previously longer black real body (for explanations about bullish and bearish markets please refer to our strategy section located at the top menu of the home page). The long black candlestick is referred to as the mother and the smaller one is also known as the baby (my friends call it …
Posted in Strategies, Trading Guide | Tagged anyoption, bearish market, binary options, binary options brokers, binary options entry signals, binary options forex, Binary Options Hedging Strategies, binary options reviews, binary options signals, binary options strategy, bullish market, candlesticks, candlesticks binary options, currencies, currency trading, doji cross, eur usd, exchange rates, fibonacci, forex binary options, Forex options, globaloption, harami, harami cross, ikkotrader, ioption, make money binary options, make money trading binary options, optionbit, optionsclick, trade binary forex, trade binary options online, traderush, traderxp, tradesmarter |How to Invest in Gold When Trading Binary Options
June 1, 2012It’s common knowledge that commodities are used in order to minimize risk and as a way to diversify the stock portfolio because they are considered to be a relatively low risk form of trading. But why do investors flock to the gold during times of high volatility? I mean you have Copper, Corn, Silver, Oil, & so on…The answer is simple, as opposed to other commodities, lets say oil for example that is more prone to market demand and fluctuates accordingly, gold is a sure way for investors to make sure their money keeps its value and is not devalued …
Posted in Strategies, Trading Guide | Tagged binären Optionen, Binary, binary options, binary options brokers, binary options commodities, binary options gold, binary options guide, Binary Options Hedging Strategies, binary options reviews, binary options strategy, commodities, digital options, Investing in binary options, make money trading binary options, opciones binarias, optionbit, options, Options Binaires, opzioni binarie, trade binary options online, trade gold, trade gold binary options, ثنائي الخيارات |Learn How to Use a Covered Call in Binary Options Trading Strategy
May 6, 2012A covered call is one of various binary options trading strategies where online traders can hold a long position on an underlying asset as well as a call option on the same asset trying to produce more income on that specific asset. This strategy, (also referred to as a buy-write) is often used when investors have a short term or neutral outlook on the underlying asset and therefore hold the asset long while at the same time take a short position on the option to produce higher profit margins from the option premium. Now let’s say that for all intents and purposes …
Posted in Education, Strategies | Tagged Binary, binary options, binary options brokers, binary options demo account, Binary Options Hedging Strategies, binary options platform, binary options reviews, binary options signals, binary options strategy, binary options trading system, buy write, call option, covered call, digital options, Effective Trading Strategy and Tips, Investing in binary options, make money trading binary options, options, put option, trade binary options online |Your Binary Options Trading Guide to Making a Safe and Consistently Growing Stream of Income
April 30, 2012When I finally left my corporate position at one of the bigger financial institutions I decided that it was time to start managing my own money. At the time binary options trading online was just beginning, but I already had a special affinity for this particular financial instrument. Looking back I remember all the money I managed for my top clients and then it finally hit me. It’s different when you risk your money, and not someone else’s. I got a real kick out of it and being an analytics freak who believes in minimal risk and is willing to make lesser …
Posted in Make Money, Strategies, Trading Guide | Tagged Binary, binary options, binary options brokers, binary options guide, binary options reviews, binary options signals, binary options strategy, binary options trading, binary options trading guide, commodities, cup and handle, Dow Jones Industrial Average, Effective Trading Strategy and Tips, indices, Investing in binary options, learn how to trade binary options, nasdaq, options, stock, trade binary options online |Learn How to Manage Risk in Binary Options Trading
April 29, 2012All forms of trading involve some degree of risk. It doesn’t matter if your buying shares of BP stock based on positive quarterly results or EBITDA data,or selling short BME because you think austerity measures in Spain won’t measure up to Standard & Poor’s credit rating criteria – you will always have some degree of risk involved in trading. Your ability to read market sentiment and analyze the stock patterns using Japanese candlestick charting techniques and chart patterns like a cup and handle (or cup without a handle) will mean the difference between your contract expiring out of the money or hopefully having …
Posted in Education, Strategies, Trading Guide | Tagged ameritrade, binary options, binary options brokers, binary options demo account, Binary Options Hedging Strategies, binary options platforms, binary options reviews, binary options risk portfolio, binary options scam, binary options strategy, binary options trading signals, bollinger bands, cup and handle, digital options, financial betting, in the money, japanese candlesticks, make money trading online, risk management in binary options, scottrade, trade binary options online |Learn How to Make Money with Binary Options Trading
April 26, 2012Understanding Options Basics: Real Trading ScenariosAfter reading the first three articles I have written about money making strategies in binary options trading, you should have a fairly solid idea what options are, how you can make profits trading binaries, and a solid understanding of the trade lingo, as can be seen in the binary options reports glossary. Still, in order for all the dots to connect you actually have to see an options trade being done, and then taking a risk and invest on an underlying asset. So let’s go through a trading scenario. The easiest way to make a fast …
Posted in Make Money, Strategies | Tagged Binary, binary options, binary options basics, binary options brokers, binary options education, binary options reviews, binary options strategy, cboe, digital options, Dow Jones Industrial Average, exotic options, make money trading binary options, make money with binary options, NYSE, options, protective put, put options, SPDR, trade binary options online, VIX, volatility index |Binary Options Basic Trading Strategies
March 7, 2012If you want to be a successful trader you must have an effective trading strategy! What is a Trading Strategy? Basically it is a plan on why, when and for how long you plan on taking and keeping a position. Similar tactics and methodologies can be used to when investing online and risking money on binary options. The trading strategies I will discuss below empower the trader to do two very important things: 1. Take multiple asset classes in order to initiate a calculated level of risk for specific analysis and trade. Here are some of the most commonly used …
Posted in Strategies | Tagged binary options, binary options brokers, Binary Options Hedging Strategies, binary options reviews, binary options trading strategy, Effective Trading Strategy and Tips, trade binary options online |